Thursday, November 10, 2005

"Paddy's Market"
Sometimes when lots of people were in our house, as a child, my mum called it "Paddy's Market". Sometimes it seems like "Paddy's Market" here with all the comings and goings of very many people.
It isn't a problem for me, and those residents who can't manage it, can go to their rooms, which all have televisions and comfort. This week was like this but no police this time. And no ambulance this week. Just an "Open House" with a well earned reputation for hospitality. One morning the four residents were up for breakfast, the two overnight visitors, the plumber, Jackie, Sheila and Barry coming. Now we are just Ibe Martin and me. Jenna went to a special place for young people with two residential Social workers there at all times. She is in court today. And her 15 year old boyfriend is out of jail today. It was like a "Romeo and Juliet" scenario, especially with the street gangs and court cases and alleged crimes.
Lots of good news. We will have a beautiful spring garden in the front as Martin planted lots of daffodils and tulips there yesterday.

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